The candidate or their legal guardian should submit an application to the Director of the Nursing Home. To protect our residents, people with infectious diseases and those affected by mental illnesses which pose a potential danger to others or those in need of any unusual treatment (e.g. tube fed) are not admitted.

The application must also include:

  • “Zaświadczenie Lekarskie Kandydata do Domu Opieki” – a certificate from the family doctor about the general health of the applicant;
  • “Kwestionariusz Osobowy Pensjonariusza” – Personal data form;
  • “Zobowiazanie” a form in which the family of the candidate commits itself to bear all extra living costs in case the candidate’s pension is not enough to cover the required monthly fee;
  • Receipt of the last pension or its copy;
  • statement of the degree of disability issued by Miejski Zespół ds. Orzekania o Niepełnosprawności (if such was issued);
  • certificate of judical appointment of guardian (for legally incapacitated persons).

All forms are available at our office or can be downloaded from our web page.